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Bob Speer in Terrible Auto Accident

373, 08 Dec 2011

7 Dec 2011:
Terrible news--Bob Speer was in a serious car accident last light at approx
7:30 pm.   Appears that his neck was broken--having fusion surgery today. Will keep you
informed.  Last night, he was conscious and moving, just in a lot of pain.  He is at
the Fairfax Hospital.
Mary Sally

Dr. Mary Sally Matiella
Assistant Secretary of the Army (FM&C)
110 Army Pentagon, Rm 3E320
Washington, DC 20310


Here is the latest.  I've been told Bob is in the Fairfax INOVA Hospital but
haven't confirmed it yet.
Roger, Maggie called the front office at 1015.  Bob went into surgery 0945.
Surgery is 3-4 hours with about two hour recovery.  Maggie will call later this
afternoon with update.  JJA


Below note from LTG Stanton:

Bob is out of surgery and recovering.  The preliminary report is that it went
well.   He will be in ICU this evening so, for those of you in the area, he will NOT be
able to take visitors.  I'll keep you updated on his progress.

V/r,  Ed


Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
Caveats: NONE

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Maggie reports that the doctors have Bob up and moving around, although he
is still sore and tired.  She expects that they will move him out of ICU
later today, but until then he cannot receive visitors.  As soon as that
changes, I'll update you.

Additionally, he may be released in the next day or two.

If you would like to send a card, the home address is :

Robert M. Speer
9753 Ironmaster Dr
Burke, VA 22015

V/r,  Ed

Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
Caveats: NONE


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