2948, 29 Oct 2024Reunion's End - Survey
Tonight we close Reunion 2024.
Attendees: please complete the survey
The RAFINO Reunion is just a few days away, and we have an exciting lineup of activities planned! Join us for a day of shopping at the Historic Charleston Marketplace, enjoy a scenic dinner cruise, and participate in many other fun events. This is a wonderful opportunity to reconnect with friends you haven’t seen in years and meet new members of the Corps.
If you prefer a more relaxed atmosphere, the Hospitality Room will be open for your enjoyment. Revisit fond memories with classic card games like pinochle and hearts, or gather a group to play dominos. There’s truly something for everyone at the reunion!
We can’t wait to see you there!
- Charleston City Tour
- Patriots Point Tour
- Spirit of Carolina Dinner Cruse
- RAFINO Banquet
- and much more.
Click here for the RAFINO 2024 Reunion Packet
Here is the link to the online registration form:
Armed Forces Reunions - Event Registration (afr-reg.com)
Cutoff for registration is 17 Sep 2024 ; Cutoff for Hotel Reservations is 26 SEP 2024
Who is Going?
In the Registration page from the above link, click on the "Attendees" button to see the list of registrants.
You can download the spreadsheet at this link showing each registrant and their event/meal/etc. selections
LastName | FirstName | Rank | Spouse | FROM | Reunions Attended | |
ARTEAGA | ROLAND | COL | CAROL | raart@aol.com | WILLIAMSBURG,VA | 06 12 24 |
BERGMAN | BRADLEY | CSM | KATHY | armycsm990401@aol.com | NOBLESVILLE,IN | 18 22 24 |
Blalock | MAELLA | LTC | maella.blalock@gmail.com | MONETT,MO | 08 22 24 | |
BRITTAIN | ROXANNE | MRS | [DONALD 1SG 91 ] | brittain.roxanne@yahoo.com | HUBER HEIGHTS,OH | 04 06 08 10 12 14 18 22 24 |
Brown | David | COL | YOSHIE | dbrown0208@gmail.com | SPRING LAKE,NC | 18 22 24 |
CAPOLUPO | ANGELO | COL | EILEEN | angelocapolupo63@gmail.com | OCEAN,NJ | 24 |
CLAY | TROY | COL | EUNICE | taclay@yahoo.com | BLYTHEWOOD,SC | 12 18 24 |
CUNITZ | RONALD | LTC | WENDY | rcunitz@me.com | KAPOLEI,HI | 24 |
DELA MAR | PEDRO | SGM | bielafria57@aol.com | TRIANGLE,VA | 22 24 | |
DENNY | MORGAN | COL | LYN | modenny99@aol.com | BLUFFTON,SC | 04 06 08 12 22 24 |
DONOHUE | SANDRA | Ms | [SFC MICHAEL F., 1/19/2017] | hdsjd9@yahoo.com | AUBURN,MA | 22 24 |
DYSON | WILLIAM | COL | [NANNETTE] | , | 22 24 | |
EDWARDS | ROBERT | CSM | MARIBEL | bob.edwards13@outlook.com | JOHNS ISLAND,SC | 24 |
GREEN | JEFFREY | CSM | JEANIE | jgs4040@aol.com | DENTON,TX | 12 14 16 18 22 24 |
HANNAM | JANET | Mrs | [LTC DAVID , 5/28/2016] | janethannam70@gmail.com | AUBREY,TX | 04 06 10 12 18 22 24 |
HENDERSON | CHARLES | CSM | TISSIA | chas11222indy@comcast.net | INDIANAPOLIS,IN | 22 24 |
JARVIS | ALAN | MSG | CONNIE | alanjindy1@comcast.net | INDIANAPOLIS,IN | 22 24 |
JARVIS | CONSTANCE | MSG | ALAN | conjarvis1@comcast.net | INDIANAPOLIS,IN | 16 22 24 |
JOHNSON | CONNIE | SFC | ROSCOE | johnsonrcc@gmail.com | BELLE ISLE,FL | 24 |
KELLY | MICHAEL | COL | PAULA | mdk0719@yahoo.com | PALMYRA,VA | 06 22 24 |
LIBERT | STEPHEN | CSM | JULIE | libertsf@gmail.com | WOODBRIDGE,VA | 24 |
LORENZ | ANTHONY | LTC | ANN MARIE | anthony@lorenzcompany.com | INDIANAPOLIS,IN | 14 16 18 22 24 |
MASSEY | LAWRENCE | CSM | LORETTA | rocketman_01@msn.com | CHESTERFIELD,VA | 24 |
MATTHEWS | FRANKIE | CSM | mattlex1999@aol.com | ORLANDO,FL | 22 24 | |
MCKENNA | THOMAS | LTC | MARY BETH | marybethandtom111@yahoo.com | ROCKY RIVER,OH | 16 18 22 24 |
MENDIOLA | ELOY | SFC | NENITA | eloymendiola001@gmail.com | SUISUN CITY,CA | 08 10 12 14 16 18 22 24 |
NEILL | WARREN | MSG | CAROL | neill196@comcast.net | CICERO,IN | 18 22 24 |
PENN | GENNARO | CSM | gennaro.penn@yahoo.com | COLUMBIA ,SC | 18 22 24 | |
RAMOS | SUZANNE | SGM | FRANK | pchefsuzy@gmail.com | ORLANDO,FL | 04 22 24 |
ROBSON | RICHARD | LTC | NANCY ANN | rrrobson@gmail.com | DALLAS,TX | 04 06 08 12 14 16 18 22 24 |
TOLBERT | ANN | Ms | [SGM WILLIAM P., 11/22/2017] | ann.tolbert@comcast.net | GOLD RIVER,CA | 08 10 12 14 16 18 22 24 |
TROLLER | KEVIN | COL | MARY | kevintroller79@outlook.com | BAYTOWN,TX | 12 14 16 18 22 24 |
VEAL | JOHN | 1SG | GINGER | jdvealjr@sbcglobal.net | LAWTON,OK | 22 24 |
VOLGYI | IMRE | LTC | JEAN | thevolgyis@epbfi.com | CHATTANOOGA,TN | 08 12 14 16 18 22 24 |
Here is the latest on who is going:-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(if you wish to post a comment on this bulletin, please log in)
Member Comments on This Bulletin
10/14/2024 9:29:20 PM LTC Ronald R. Cunitz
Richard, thanks! Ron
10/13/2024 5:09:56 PM LTC RICHARD R ROBSON, Sr
Ron Cunitz
The dress code is eclectic, ranging from business casual
to a suit or dress mess.
Anything that rises above grunge should do nicely.
10/12/2024 1:37:06 AM LTC Ronald R. Cunitz
I'm wondering about the suggested dress code for the banquet for men and women, thanks! Ron Cunitz
10/8/2024 5:45:17 PM LTC RICHARD R ROBSON, Sr
I have added a spreadsheet to this bulletin that lists who all is registered to come to the reunion (as of 8 OC T2024)
8/18/2024 3:59:20 PM 1SG JOHN D. VEAL, Jr.
We need your support. Your reunion committee is hard at work to make sure you have a good time.
Let's register and make plans to attend.
8/13/2024 5:15:45 PM LTC RICHARD R ROBSON, Sr
See "Who is Going", above, where you can download the latest spreadsheet detailing the registrations.
7/18/2024 1:41:58 PM LTC Anthony Leo Lorenz
I have previously used the reunion site to successfully register.
I am not finding any way to check on payment information (what events I paid for, etc.)