The Retired Army Finance Organization
"Keeping the Finance Family Together"

Please Login Saturday, September 7, 2024

RAFINO Dues Policy

NOTE: Annual RAFINO dues have remained at $12.00, unchanged from the beginning.

If you wish, you can pay one or more years in advance.

Donations over and above the dues are also welcomed and appreciated.

Annual Dues Rate: $12.00 annual dues are payable January 1st for all existing members, or immediately upon acceptance of a new member application. If a new member joins on July 1, or later, they will not be charged for the current calendar year. Their first $12.00 payment will be applied to the next calendar year beginning January 1. Dues are requested as close to January 1 as possible, with current year dues being delinquent on March 31. Dues are payable to the RAFINO Treasurer. at the following address:

You can pay your dues via check to the RAFINO Treasurer, LTC (RET) Imre Volgyi , at RAFINO, 3112 WATERFRONT DR, Chattanooga, TN 37419-1535.

If making dues payments every year is not your cup of tea, consider paying two or more years advance dues, or, even better, consider

Lifetime Option: applying for a Lifetime membership, with an age-based sliding dues scale:

AgeLife Rate
less than or equal to 50$200.00
51 to 60 $150.00
61 to 70 $125.00
71 to 80 $100.00
81 to 90 $75.00
91 and above $0.00

The Lifetime and $12.00 annual dues are used to defray the administrative costs associated with the organizational requirements to maintain and periodically distribute a roster and periodic hard copy newsletter, maintain a current webpage on the internet, and purchase office supplies like paper, envelopes, stamps, and the like. The Reunions we conduct every other year are planned to be self-funded, so none of the $12.00 goes towards any of those expenses. All excess earnings are distributed to other IRS approved tax exempt veterans organizations or organizations that support veterans.


© 2024 - Retired Army Finance Organization