ISSUE 22 - Summer 1999
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AL ABBOTT, clearly is heading toward attainment of the distinction of becoming a centenarian.  On 20 March he turned 87 years old.  Incidentally, Al retired over 41 years ago!  He moved into a retirement facility in Albuquerque a year or so ago due solely to his rapidly and severely deteriorating eye sight.  Learning that, we assumed that he would surely begin to drop his unusually busy crowded schedule of civic activities in favor of some old folks rocking chair stuff.  But, NO, that seems to have had no impact on the tempo of his activities in the Albuquerque area.  Al attended our reunion at Columbia last year -- and appeared and carried himself as would a far younger man than his chronological age. 

Al, is heavily involved among many, many other things, in the Institute of Life Long Learning for New Mexican as a lecturer.  And for many years he has worked as a volunteer for "The Friendship Force of New Mexico", an organization which was formed at the suggestion of then-President Jimmy Carter to promote national and international relationships.  The motto proposed by Carter was 

"A world of friends is a world of peace". When Al celebrates or commemorates a special event in his life he contributes money to RAFINO, e.g., in memory of his sister, Marie Abbate who recently passed away, Al sent us $50. Salute, Al!  Long Life!!