ISSUE 21 - Fall 1998 
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by Duncan Chamberlin

As usual I was very glad to receive the Fall 1997 RAFINO Report.  I've read it from cover to cover and enjoyed it very much.  On page 3 of this Report, Issue # 19, Bob Martin speculated that photo #5 in issue # 18 was taken in either 1948 or 1954.  It definitely wasn't taken in December 1943 because Ross Leach - who clearly is wearing leaves in the photograph was commissioned as a 2d Lt. in May 43.

Ross and I were both in the Finance OCS Class #15 at Duke University.  That was a very interesting experience as the Commandant, Colonel Emmett Bean, later Major General, ran a very tight ship - very much as I imagine West Point is run; white glove quarters inspections, double timing between class rooms and dining hall.  There were study hall sessions every week day evening and Saturdays.  Also there was some marching, leadership training and frequent course exams.  Students never knew how well they were rated on the leadership training, on their conduct, and had no idea how well they did on the frequent course exams.

Beginning, as I remember it, about the fifth Tuesday evening, and thereafter each Tuesday, a Sergeant came to the study hall and alphabetically read names of several men in the class and directed them to go immediately to the office.  By the time those remaining in the class got back to their quarters the men who had gone to the office earlier has moved out - washed out!

As you can imagine it made those of us who remained, and who had no idea of how well were doing, very nervous.  On each subsequent Tuesday evening when the Sergeant came to the study hall with his list each of us trembled until his name was passed.  On the fourth such occasion five of us were summoned to the office thoroughly expecting to be sent packing.  Instead we were sworn in as 2d Lts, then given our uniforms (for which all of the students had been measured weeks before). 

Class had started March 5th and we were commissioned May 8th - 65 (not 90) day wonders.  It was quite a shock going from not knowing at all how well we were doing to being commissioned in the same hour!  Beside myself was Ross Leach, Walter Brent, Charles Jennings and Charles Strain.  

It was with mixed emotions that I left the Duke University campus.  Happy to have graduated (not washed out) but sorry to be leaving that wonderful campus with its beautiful buildings and grounds and all the blooming Spring blossoms and its civilian female students who also beautified the scenery. 

The five of us went directly to Ft. Ben to be Assistant Finance Officers of FD Sections #41, #42, #43, #44, and #45, which were formed two weeks later and sent to England in August 1943.  I was assigned to the 42nd FDS which we kept intact in England, through the European invasion, and on almost to Berlin and then was part of the Army of Occupation -- a total of almost three years.